What is this blog about?
I am inspired to write this blog... part of me did not want to write it. I did not want to go to the trouble of a website, social media and all the rest of it that goes along with sharing information. I strive to have a simple life. As much as I tried to avoid writing, I kept getting inspiration, signs and synchronicities pointing me in that direction. So here I am, writing is what I am attempting to do.
The aim of my writing is to provide psychological resources and to explore the subject of our mental health from a holistic perspective. This blog aims to explore philosophical and spiritual subjects that have their roots in Ancient Wisdom Modalities. All my writing comes from all my studies, research and experience over the last 30 years. With an epidemic of mental health problems never seen before, I believe that Spirituality and Ancient Wisdom has so much to offer for relief of our suffering. As we and our society seem to be becoming more compartmentalised, Ancient Wisdom modalities provide the knowledge of how to return to interconnectedness and wholeness. Ancient wisdom modalities have compassionate and easy ways to work with energy in a positive way to heal ourselves, others, the community and environment. Ancient Wisdom modalities I have studied and practiced are outlined here.
Most people I know, struggle to keep up with rapid changing outside systems that keep us on a wheel of updating, upgrading, and endlessly creating accounts that need passwords! What takes a back seat is our own ability to connect with the qualities of our Higher Self, that in turn can bring more resiliency and compassion to hold the suffering. An explanation of our Higher Self Qualities as the "8 C's" is available in this blog here. This connection is an inside job. No-one can do it for us... however, we do need someone to show the way as we don't know what we don't know. We need a teacher. There is no shortage of people giving advice and it seems to be harder and harder to discern what is Truth. I suggest you read this blog with your own discernment and curiosity. I apologise for my shortcomings and dyslexic difficulties that get in the way of imparting useful knowledge.
I respectfully honour the time you are making to read this ....The general advice seems to be to keep writing short as people's attention spans are short.. so much of our time seems to be spent endlessly scrolling through emails, texts, search engine results and social media feeds. However, I don't want to condone having a short attention span either! If we are to alleviate suffering then we need to train our minds to develop new habits. I cannot see any way around it and believe me I have tried! To do this we need a lot of support as well as gentleness and kindness towards ourselves. I hope this blog will be supportive and thought provoking around the topic of mental health.
The menu on the blog page contains categories of content. The 'start here' section contains the basic bones for people choosing the therapy path. Then there are sections that are more specific to modern therapy information and sections that are more philosophical and personal about what I have learned through my own path healing psychological trauma.
I make a heartfelt wish that this blog will inspire and guide.